My First Day at Office

Hi! I’m Sumon. When I got my joining date, I was very happy. But as the date came nearer, I was a bit nervous. Many questions occupied my brain like how will be the atmosphere of the office, will I be able to adjust with the colleagues, will I be able to work well and completer targets, etc. When I joined the office, I was little tensed till got acquainted with the workplace and co-workers. Although they all already knew me a little bit and there was a very familiar brother near me (Ashrafur Rahman Tanveer). My first day at office was on 22 July 2019. I was joining as a graphic designer. I was exited a day before and I slept quite early – around 11:30 pm. I woke up at 7 am the next day. This was something unusual but more importantly, it brought positivity in me. A good sleep and breakfast is itself an excellent start to a day. This is what I felt on my first day at job. When I was in college, my friends used to say, what do you guys do after finishing your studies? I always said I didn’t want to job. Because I don’t like sitting in an office all day. For this I always said, I want to be an entrepreneur myself. Now I remember that day I joined the first office. I reached my office at 10:00 am. And I arrived at my office 15 minutes before the office started. When I enter my office, my thinking changes. I was feeling really good. The company where I work is there employees very sincere. So there wasn’t any formal introduction between me and the employees. My companies founder my senior Tahsinul Alam Sarker (CEO and Director in Human Resource) and maximum employees are from the same university. So there isn’t anything formal between any of us. In fact, my head (senior from my area) started explaining me the work they are currently doing within the first 15 minutes of my entrance to the office. We all had our lunch at 1 and since it was my first day (and also with the fact that I am the junior most employee) my seniors were making light jokes on me (Well..). After lunch my boss took me on the tour of our floor. Introduced me to everyone, all that good stuff. After lunch some time and we all came in the balcony. I am basically still working in my first-job, but in a new department now. My colleague left at 6:30pm, so I had some time to myself to figure out the new system and just look around. My day ended at 7.00 pm. It was a great first day! …I just wish my first day in my new department would have been as good.

Post by wsit_developer

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