My first day at office

My first day at office was literally great. Before many questions were stalking in my head. But with the time all the members made me feel so comfortable that I never felt for a second that it was my first day of my internship. First of all, the supervisor (Upoma apu) talked to me taking a long time just to make me comfortable. Then she introduced me with all the members of the office and it was a very interesting part for me. Because I was very much nervous and could not talk! But all of them were so friendly and they were extremely helpful that made me comfortable. The supervisor is really very helpful that she was available the whole time so that I could get her anytime. Though it was a new environment for me, but they gave me the ultimate comfort zone. Not only the members, but the CEO was very friendly and communicative. Even the employees were also very helpful. After the introduction period, my supervisor made me understand my work and assured me that she would be available for me any time. No of them seemed strict to me, not a single member was strict! Yes, obviously, I thought that it was only for me as it was my first day. And then after sometime, I realized, it wasn’t just for me! All of them were so cordial and most obviously, friendly.
Now, come to a very important part, food part, Cause I’m a food lover! The company gives the lunch. The lunch was served at approximately 1.30 pm. Yes, the lunch tasty and the quantity was more than suitable for a person, I liked that very much. Then I got the chance to have tea for all the time which is alluring for me. In the evening, a senior brother gave ice cream treat to all! It was such a friendly environment!
Oh! One important thing, I could browse all the time and I could use any site any time ( I mean, they didn’t give restriction that I can’t use Facebook or YouTube that many company does.). Even I could go to outside for refreshment. I think it’s quite unusual for a private company. The environment wasn’t a bit boring, cause I could get to talk to anyone if I feel so. I mean to say is, it isn’t like that I was in a cage that I had to work the whole day. And I think this made them responsible to their work. Cause I understood, none of them feel it was a company and they are doing others job. I’m pretty much sure that they took their job as their responsibility, not as a job. I saw a responsible friendly teamwork here. Sometimes they gossip in the gap of working. And they all were so helpful that if one member faces any problem, all come to help him immediately!
Let me tell another thing that I can’t skip. Last day, I wanted to pray and asked if I can get that opportunity. As I’m female, I would need another room for prayer. And surprisingly, they gave me all I needed in a empty clean room where I could pray. I’m really grateful for their so much support! And thanks from the bottom of my heart.
It was a short story about my first day at office. It was a very short story about a family that worked together in a neat and clean office. Thank you!

Post by wsit_developer

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