First Day

Assalamualaikum to everyone. Thanks for giving me a chance to share my first day experience. Actually I am very much excited, and a little bit shy as well as little bit scared to getting into a new journey a new chapter called “INTERNSHIP”.
“27.11.18” it was a memorable day. I am totally new just like a fetus coming out of my university to the world of career “WORKSPACE INFOTECH LIMITED“. After coming to this place really i didn’t know that I will get a small AIUB environment again. As far as i know most of them are from my university but different batches. So we had a common topic to talk about. I am really happy getting my friend Arif as colleague and my guide Upoma apu who is going to lead me in next 3 months. Other senior colleague were very friendly. I had a warm welcome mail with a new place to sit, a punch card, a pizza treat, a nice coffee to make my day. I am working forward to learn a lot from my seniors and enjoy the friendly environment till the last day. I really want to work with these friendly people and enjoy a day time 10AM to 7PM. Actually the 1st day with rain, lots of gossips, having lunch together everything will be memorable. Now writing this paragraph it was tough to recollect everyone’s name and really sorry for that. It’s a great honor to be a part of your WSIT family.

Ummae Hamida Hannan

Post by Upoma Ahmed

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