A-H of Client friendly, Good professional life (Personal Experience)

Hello Good people, Don’t struggle too much to find out what is A-H representing. I haven’t learnt A-Z yet that’s why I put A-H on the title. Clear? Welcome to a semi boring personal thought sharing session. I will explain the alphabets with different explanation-

Assist your colleagues. We came alone and go alone but we are not forever alone (Not Applicable for forever Singles). Apart from the joke, Lets help each and every person who needs it anytime anywhere. We are in strong community where one single person with special skills can’t survive but can earn money :p

Brave is the word that should go for all being of Universe. You should not be back down for  any tasks. Every tasks is a challenge given to you for a purpose. May be the Mighty Management is trying to find out if you are capable or somehow they already know you can do it. See? You already feel brave. Be brave like a cockroach that easily jumps to the strongest person of the world and scares him (That’s kind of stupid though.)

Confidence makes you less vulnerable. Be confident with your all actions to the clients, Even if you are making something bluff (I am not promoting telling Lie. May be sometimes you need to save yourself.) . A confident developer is clients demand because most of the time they don’t know what are the end goal. So you need to sail for them.

***I intentionally missed two more words (Collaborate, Capture. I think You already know.)

Dedication is most important for a developer. If you are not dedicated to you works most of them will be ashes as time goes on. No one will remember if you put less dedication on your work. Sometimes if you are a part of total failure project the company will evaluate your performance based of your dedication towards the project. Sweet truth is most of our projects are successful.

English is our first language. Wait what? Don’t just crucify me. It’s true for all tech guys who live hand to mouth. We can not use Bangla to communicate with humans from other planet. To be honest its their fault they cant speak or understand Bangla. But we should be kind to them and adopt English to communicate. A good communication can make things easier and make the client contract fresh and Juicy. A small meaningful chit chat can lead a $5000 project to a 5 Million dollar project.

Forecasting is a human nature that everyone adopts from the childhood; specially Bengali people are the best for forecasting. Maybe we need to furnish this skill to its standard. Forecasting about the projects can help better understanding the project. Share your thoughts to the superiors. Problems will be sorted out and you will gain a good reputation on forecasting. So it’s your call weather you choose to forecast a political affair or a project that gives you boost on first look.

Gamble with the technology. I believe,  we are not the kind of people who wants to work with old technologies day after day. Switch the technologies sometime and take calculated risks for exciting projects. This is not suggested if you can’t meet the deadline. Deadline is the first priority. Stay focused on the deadline and make a door without wood ; instead use Plywood with more strong and concrete base.

Habituate with some manner and positive attitude. Your habit is your property; your very own. So build yourself from the beginning and let people notice you. People will be manipulated with your habits and do good discussions behind you.

*** I tried to keep the writing simple and understandable for all.Hope you enjoyed.These are my personal thoughts and Experience I gathered from my personal and professional life. These things are easy to write and easier to implement in everyone’s life. Just because I wrote this and shared that doesn’t mean I have become the master of all these alphabets. I’m still trying to achieve the goals. After knowing the proper meaning of other Alphabets I will definitely share those with you :p (I am a lazy person to explain all of them to be honest.) . Feel free to comment and share your thoughts about this. I want to learn more from the Junior WSITIANS.

Post by wsit_developer

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