Mission & Vision

At Workspace, we set ourselves high-quality standards, in order to increase user confidence and reduce our clients’ total cost of ownership. We believe that an effective Quality Assurance and Testing strategy is vital to attaining these high standards. Our QA staff have extensive experience in testing a wide range of systems, from web and application development to system integrations. Whatever stage your project is at, we can help you to plan, implement and improve your quality and testing processes.


Quality: At Workspace we are driven by one simple desire – to provide work of the highest standard to our customers. Quality underpins everything we do and our philosophy is that if all our processes are geared towards quality outputs we will deliver exactly what our customers want.

This is why we are ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, many more certifications and through the work we have carried out as part of these accreditations we deliver process-oriented, standards-based and quality driven services.

But quality is more than just accreditations. It is ensuring that both formal and informal quality processes are in place. Not only do we have our own dedicated QA team and spend a minimum of 20% or our time on each project testing our code and systems, but we also nurture a state of mind throughout the company that ensures wherever possible that mistakes are few, are not passed on to the next process downstream and are definitely not repeated.

In line with this, software development at workspace, a disciplined project management methodology that requires frequent inspection and adaptation of engineering best practices to allow rapid delivery of high-quality software.


Innovation: Workspace understands the importance of proven and stable technologies in real-world customer projects but also recognizes the value of updating ourselves with innovative and future technologies before their time and championing them as early adopters when they can add value.

We make sure our development team is exposed to technical research and project work technique – refreshing their professional perspective, enriching their skills base and providing the company with insights into which of tomorrow’s technologies are close to becoming today’s mainstream. And when it is appropriate for us to use these leading-edge technologies for customer projects we do so.


The human factor is a fundamental aspect of our business. We consider, the quality of the product is only as good as the team that produced it. That is why Workspace takes pride in the knowledge and expertise of our development and support team. We do our best to make sure each customer is both comfortable and confident in working with our team.


We believe the ONLY way to truly deliver solutions that meet the unique and specific business needs of our customers is to have personal and direct interaction from start to finish. Our project manager and sales staff will set proper expectations and goals, and we encourage direct customer-to-developer interaction throughout the project.

Workspace InfoTech’s mission is to become a market leader by consistently exceeding our Customer’s expectations; providing them with best of breed technology solutions like business management systems, any kind of software solutions, web development etc.

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